3FL Sails

3FL Saildesign is a famous Italian sailmaking factory located in Roma – Fiumicino since 1996. Optimist project started on 2019 with Francesco Cruciani (one of the owner of 3FL) and Daniele Ricci (engineer, coach) brother of Simone.
Step by step with the technical help of Simone Ricci on water and the experience in making fast sails of Francesco and Daniele the factory arrived to create the 4 models for Optimist Class. The luck of having so many skilled top sailors helped a lot the process of testing, modify, improve and define the final models.
The project has been to start from new ideas, to have easy sails performing in all conditions and helping the sailors to be fast also with waves being Optimist a boat who can really easily lose the speed.

3FL Optimist Sails are in most of the countries and are expanding a lot.
In 2021 the Sails won the Italian, Greek, Spanish and Turkish National Championship.
The 3fl sail was on board also with Alessandro Cirinei when he won the Optimist Team Racing World Championship in Garda in 2021.
3FL team of top sailors and young sailors is getting bigger and bigger also thanks to all the advices and feedbacks that Simone and Daniele continuously give to sailors during clinics, events and online.
Ask for your sail!
Sail simple, sail fast, sail Italian.